World Software Catalog
Internet catalog of free and paid applications of the World
https://worldsoftcat.com is the site, Internet catalog for searching software programs of the world. The program database is taken from the official Global PAD® Repository of "applications". "PAD" stands for "Portable Application Document", it is an XML file that contains information about the application, developer, publisher, application cost, links to download and purchase the program. The developer (publisher) generates these PAD files and sends them to the repository. In addition to information in English, descriptions and keywords can be set in the other languages. The most of the similar sites with information about applications focuses on promoting only to the most popular applications, and it can be difficult to find a small program that you need specifically. Therefore, our mission is to place a catalog of applications with convenient independent search, including international languages search, to support small developers and users of all counties. We are updating the database daily. The database contains information on more than 13,000 applications. To add to our catalog, simply add your program to the repository for free. Programs are accepted for publication, for which English is one of the languages of the interface, program and company sites. Our site does not store distributions of programs (does not mirror downloads), all links, including the download and purchase of the program, are those provided by the publisher at the date of publication. Therefore, information about some programs, especially those that have been published for a long time, may contain broken links, and applications may be abandoned and not supported. We are not a store and are not responsible for the data of the publisher. We do not bear any responsibility for the posted information and its relevance. As an aid to help the other site visitors, you can click on Posting information about cracking programs from the repository, serial numbers, activation codes and other things that violates the rights of developers, authors and publishers on our site is strictly prohibited. Registered users get additional benefits: they can write comments and put ratings, and search criteria with the except of text data are stored in memory and are used by default. We hope our site will be useful and convenient for you. The site is powered by CMS of MaaSoftware OOO.
Information for copyright holders: All materials of the site worldsoftcat.com are placed with the permission of the copyright holders or taken from public sources of information. If you believe that the content of the site worldsoftcat.com violates your copyrights, please let us know via the feedback form in English or Russian language. In your message you should include:
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